Are you looking to
start your own
Spiritual BusinesS?
Do you dream of
helping others and getting paid for it?
Find out how to get a
successful business started
from the ground up.
Do you find yourself:
- Going to work, but your heart is not in it?
- Longing to do something with your life that is worthwhile and helps others?
- Wishing you could live your life’s purpose and make a difference in the world?
Now is the best time to start and grow your own spiritual business. Never before has it been easier and faster to set up your own spiritual or holistic business so you can fulfill your dream of touching other’s lives in a positive way.
Even if you don’t know where to begin, the starting steps are easy. Already have a business but need help? Learn how to fix any missteps, while re-energizing and accelerating your business growth. A strong and profitable business does not mean throwing out your spirituality. You just need to know the most effective steps to take, whether you are just starting or you already have a business.
So many people have asked me how to get their business going, how to get their name out there, and be noticed! I’ve helped people get started from step one of getting their business going, to building an online presence on the internet and in social media. From creating your own iPhone apps to Facebook, there are so many things I can teach you to get your spiritual business off to a running start!
I decided to create an online webinar series where anyone can learn how to build their spiritual business quickly and easily.
Here is what I'll teach you:
- How to get past your blocks and doubts about starting a spiritual business.
- How to find your market niche and be successful.
- Basic business start up steps you can do to establish yourself quickly.
- Spiritual Marketing that works because attracting is not selling.
- Internet Marketing for spiritual practitioners.
- Where you can get free (or almost free) services for your business online.
- How to stand out and grab your customer's attention.

How To Start Your Spiritual Business
If you are or want to be a holistic practitioner, a intuitive counselor, or energy healer, this course can help you get started or boost your business!
How to Start Your Spiritual Business Basics:
- Demystify where to begin by getting resources and easy start up steps that don’t cost a lot of money and time.
- Learn how to use the Internet to reach more customers faster, be more engaged with them and keep them longer.
- Discover how to build your business fast and look professional using tips and timesavers.
- It's like having spiritual marketing consultant to give you business ideas that are designed specifically for the Spiritual Entrepreneur.
Spiritual Business Start Up Secrets:
- Why your business name is critical
- Put out your virtual shingle – THE best advertising in the world for little or no cost
- When you should never use your email address
- How to build your tribe of loyal customers quickly
- Do's and Don'ts of email
- Where to offer your services
- and more…
- How spiritual businesses are different from regular businesses.
- Kinds of spiritual services and how to choose them.
- Defining your business and setting up your offerings.
- Determining who your clients are.
- Is “Spiritual Business” a contradiction in terms?
- How to handle the money issue.
About Lisa
Lisa K. is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Through a global presence and in-person workshops, Lisa teaches others how to develop their intuition. Lisa has run her spiritual business since 2007, nearly tripling her following in 2 years through social media and direct marketing. She teaches her business building techniques online, helping spiritual business entrepreneurs get their business started. Lisa K. was a successful director, manager and project executive and has sold and led multi-million dollar projects for Fortune 500 companies in the US and Asia.

Plus – Advanced Customer List Building!
- Spiritual Marketing – Using the Law of Attraction to get clients fast.
- Manifest an abundance of perfect customers who are out looking for you now.
- ATTRACT, RESONATE and SYNERGIZE – connecting with those who want your services to build and sustain your business long term.
- The new secret to reaching more people – a different sales funnel
- Getting your name out there, building client lists by exposure through multiple tracks
- How to keep your customers coming back again and again