Why are we here on earth - Guest Neale Donald Walsch – Episode #324

Every now and then I get to interview a fascinating guest about an amazing topic. This time it was about why we are here on earth and the reason for existing. Wow, now, that is a big question. Why are we here? Listen in to find out the answer, as I talk to Neale Donald Walsch, the author of Conversations with God.

This episode synchronistically is coming out with a message at a time when I think we really need it!

Neale Donald WalschNeale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Seven of the nine books in his Conversations with God series have made the New York Times Bestseller list, with Book One remaining on that list for 134 weeks. His titles have been translated into 37 languages. He is the creator of CWG Connect (www.CWGConnect.com), a global online platform connecting people who wish to more deeply explore the messages in the CWG body of work. His latest book is The God Solution, published in Dec. 2020. He may be reached at NealeDonaldWalsch.com

This is an episode from the Between Heaven and Earth podcast – Conscious Living for Your Soul.

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