I get so many questions about intuition. Here are the top intuition questions I received, maybe you had these too – Have you ever felt like you thought your intuition was telling you something but you can’t tell if it’s real and or you’re making it up? Have you ever wanted to make your intuition happen when you wanted it to? Have you ever thought you had an intuitive feeling but didn’t know what it meant? Do you second guess your decisions and find you desperately want your intuition to tell you the right thing to do? I’ll answer these by sharing with you the questions people have sent in and what my answers are.
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About Lisa K.
Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on everyday spirituality. Learn more about intuition and sign up for weekly intuition tips at: https://www.LMK88.com