How Intuition Can Fulfill Your Life - Episode #161

Today my mind is filled with things to do for my Dad’s memorial. As I sit here thinking of what to write in his eulogy, I wanted to share with you a bit about my father’s interesting life. He was the one that launched me on the quest to learn more, and ultimately learn all about intuition and our transcendental nature, which allows us to touch beyond our bodies. It’s how we can access vast consciousness and knowledge that is beyond us.

Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on everyday spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: