How I Went From Engineering To Teaching About Intuition - Episode #222

Angel Blessings! On today’s episode of Between Heaven and Earth, Lisa shares a little bit of her transition from engineering to teaching intuition! The journey spans from a very young Lisa, being curious about the world and wanting to know the best way to live, and follows her through her love of science and intellectual pursuits and ties in Spirituality, Business, and ultimately having her dreams come true! This story is deeply insightful, dripping with personal experience, and creates even more of an understanding of how intuitive pursuits can not only benefit someone, but become their life’s purpose! If that’s not enough to satisfy your hunger, Lisa shares three tips to help you follow passions of your own!

In This Episode

  • When did Lisa decide she wanted to pursue engineering, and what helped her make that choice?
  • Where did spirituality fit into the scientific equation?
  • Intuition and the Scientific Method
  • Following the path toward a deeper level of intuitive understanding
  • When used right Intuition can be an impressively helpful tool
  • The full circle effect of finding your true calling.
  • Tips on following your passion.


“I was very curious about the world. I always say I’m infinitely curious”

“Who or what is God?”

“All religions lead to the same place”

“Intuition seemed like the magic way to shortcut all your struggles in life”

“People attributed their massive success to following their intuition”

“I just followed what I loved”

“It is so exciting to watch people get in touch with their intuition”

“My dreams came true”

“Do what you love even if it’s not in your work”


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About Lisa K.

Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars.  Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on everyday spirituality. Learn more about intuition and sign up for weekly intuition tips at: