Do you know how to turn the current situation that the world is going through into a “win”? Even though we are at a time in our lives where anxiety is high and things are a little scary and uncertain, it doesn’t mean that the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t have a positive side. In this week’s episode of Between Heaven and Earth, Lisa shares her view on COVID-19, as well as other scary and uncertain times in her life, in order to reveal the silver linings that make way for positive outcomes.
From being medically evacuated from another country, to surviving a heart infection, from the disaster that was 9/11 to an accidental papaya, this episode is full of stories that will have you seeing the good in some pretty intense and bad situations. Want to hear more? Click play and find out which 3 questions you could be asking yourself to find your own silver lining amidst the current chaos in the world.
In This Episode
- Is there a silver lining to COVID-19? Will something good come out of this occurrence?
- What do we do in this situation?
- How can we “win” during this stay at home order?
- Is there anything you miss now that you don’t have it? What don’t you miss?
- What do you want to do with your life?
- How do we know what it is we’re supposed to do?
- 3 questions to ask yourself during this time to lead yourself to a more positive life.
“There’s good and bad in every situation”
“We will get through it”
“I realize what I miss, and what I don’t miss”
“Every decision you make is going to send you in a particular direction”
“We have an opportunity to look at our lives. To reevaluate it”
“You have an opportunity to make some decisions about your life”
“Sometimes we’re given these situations to appreciate some things in our lives”
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About Lisa K.
Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on everyday spirituality. Learn more about intuition and sign up for weekly intuition tips at: https://www.LMK88.com