Once you are connected to your inner self, your intuition, and get in that vibration,you want to stay there. Maybe you have had this feeling when you are in a place of love, happiness, contentment, and/or peace. Then when you leave the place, you feel your connection
Read more →If you really want to know the right things to do in your love relationships you need to pay attention to the messages your intuition is giving you through your heart. Listen in to find out how. Lisa K., Ph.D., is a teacher, author, and speaker specializing
Read more →Do you feel that your intuition seems to come and go? Perhaps, you believe that your intuitive messages are uncontrollable and seem random. You can’t articulate exactly what your intuitive feeling is and you often feel you are guessing about what your intuition is trying to tell you.
Read more →You always hear, “You should trust your gut,” but what does it really mean to “trust your gut” or do “what feels right”? Listen in as I go over the steps you can take to trust your gut.
Read more →Just imagine using your intuition to make decisions or get insight on a situation with clarity and immediacy, and consistently receiving deep, accurate, information on anything. Combining your intuition with your thinking mind, known as intuitive thinking, can be very powerful. How do you think intuitively?
Read more →There’s a lot of concepts around the ‘clairs’ and intuition. You may be surprised when you really look at intuitive types, and which one you may be. Your special psychic type may not be the one you’re thinking of. I’ll explain why in this episode and introduce you to how you can use knowing your type to your advantage.
Read more →Now you can make your intuition happen on your command. I’ll show you how you can make your intuition work when you want it to rather than happen sporadically. Your intuition may often feel random and pop up out of nowhere. Other times you think your intuition is talking to you but you’re not sure because your intuition is not in your control.
Read more →What is psychic energy? One of the most common psychic development questions is what is this “psychic energy” thing. The reason is that energy is very important in intuition development. In this show I’ll answer this common question and also explain how to use psychic energy to develop your intuition skills, how it affects the human aura, chakras, meridians and why energy is important in life!
Read more →Lisa will show you the 5 key secrets on how to create and grow a successful spiritual business. Whether you have a business or just starting, learn how to create a booming spiritual business using proven strategies including Internet Marketing techniques that really work!
Read more →Today more than ever we need more kindness amongst each other. Kindness always wins and can carry the day personally or in business. Author Jill Lublin is with us today to show us that kindness does not mean weakness and that kindness can take you far even outside of business.
Read more →There is incredible science that proves that intuition and psychic abilities exist. What scientists are telling us is that there is a larger world out there than we can see and feel.Find out what science is saying about intuition, and how you can improve yours.
Read more →One of the most frequent questions I get about intuition is about intuitive symbols. People want to know about images that keep popping up in their minds. They believe the symbol is coming from their intuition and it’s trying to tell them a message but they don’t know what it means.
Read more →Before you were born and came to your earthly body you were in heaven where you knew what your life’s purpose was going to be and what life is about. Then you were born and you forgot it! What would you do if you could go back to heaven and find out what life is about and what your life purpose is?
Read more →Angel expert Isabelle Von Fallois joins us again on Between Heaven and Earth radio for this special Christmas Angels and Music show. Isabelle is also a concert pianist and musician. Both music and angels make the Christmas season special and uplifting.
Read more →Being connected to your intuition leaves you feeling supported and energized knowing that you are never alone and always have a guide pointing you in the right direction. We have to choose to say “Hey, I know you’re there, let’s walk through life together!”
Read more →When you go through a big loss or disappointment it can be devastating. If a group of you are going through this it can be even more difficult. By staying connected to the peace and divine core within you can weather the storm.
Read more →Almost every suggestion for boosting your intuition and developing intuitive abilities always includes meditation. But meditation remains a mysterious thing and how to meditate properly for intuition is left up to the reader to figure out.
Read more →What contributes to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling and Beyoncé’s success? Do you or someone you know feel responsible for everyone or compelled to take the lead? Do you fear making mistakes and are you hit hard by criticism?
Read more →Whenever you make a decision, by engaging your intuition you have an opportunity to increase synchronicities in your life. Synchronicity is defined as “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.”
Read more →In searching for that right someone, trying to find your soul mate you don’t want to make a mistake and all the pain and discomfort that comes with a break up. Where do you start looking?
Read more →The more you work with your intuition the better you’ll get, just like learning how to play the piano or play a sport. To master your intuition you’ll have to practice exercising it.
Read more →You may be wondering what exactly your gut feel is telling you. You know your intuition is telling you something but you don’t know what it is. How do you trust your intuition? Do you second guess your intuition?
Read more →Tired of listening or watching all those negative news articles? Well, no more, Lisa K. has picked some great positive news stories for you to hear just to brighten your day.
Read more →Lots of people love to use Angel Cards. I’m answering lots of popular questions about Angel Cards and Oracle decks, such as What is a deck of angel cards? How do I pick a deck? Which decks are better than others?
Read more →Listen to how to get your intuition development boosted to the next level. Key points about the power of what intuition can do for you and what you need to do to get accuracy and consistency with your intuition.
Read more →Everyone loves gems, crystals and beautiful stones. In this episode I’ll answer questions about crystals that people have sent me such as; What are your favorite crystals and why?
Read more →Intuition is simply: Knowing without knowing how we know it. But where is Intuition? How does the mind and brain work with intuition? Let’s look at the brain.
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