Do you have to act on everything your intuition tells you? This is one of the most common concerns I get from people. For example, someone would say to me: I was in line at the store the other day and suddenly my intuition told me information about
Read more →How do we move forward in life? Sometimes we feel like we are a little stuck, especially when we look at others and they seem to be moving forward faster, or they have more of what we want. We’re reminded that we aren’t where we want to
Read more →Ever wish you really knew someone before you went too far with them? How do you decide whether to move forward with them, or to dump them before it goes too far? We have to deal with people all the time. Most of our moving through life
Read more →In working with lots of people to help them be more intuitive, I discovered some key things that stop them from being successful making better choices and using their intuition when making a decision. It’s because they have beliefs that hold them back. Here are those common
Read more →Let’s face it, the thing we all want most is to be sure of success in our future. We want to know that we are going to be okay and that we’re making progress towards what we want in life. But sometimes life doesn’t give us the
Read more →Why can’t we stick to our decision? How many times have you made a decision only to second guess yourself? Do you find that you come to a conclusion, make a decision to make a move, but then have to ask all your friends and family what do
Read more →Do you have to make a big decision? Do you wish that things would just fall into place and you would get what you want easily? It can be done. I’m going to show you how. It’s not a mystery, it’s not hard either. You still make
Read more →Is it possible that some people don’t have any intuition at all? I often get this question because there’s a thought that you have to be gifted to have intuition. Sometimes we feel like we have no intuition, or that we can’t access our intuition. What is
Read more →Many people complain that their minds are just too busy to tell the difference between their mind chatter and their intuition. It is a very common problem. But if this happens to you, you’re in luck. I have six things that can help you calm your mind.
Read more →In our last episode we talked about how love can play a role in your intuition power and connection. In general, though you may be confused over what is an emotion that is not intuition and whether your emotions are intuition at all. Let me clear it up
Read more →One of the most frustrating things people experience with intuition is that they think their intuition was wrong, or that it doesn’t work. There are many reasons why you may think your intuition doesn’t work.
Read more →What To Do When Your Intuition Is Wrong – One of the most frustrating things people experience with intuition is that they think their intuition was wrong, or that it doesn’t work. There are many reasons why you may think your intuition doesn’t work. Usually that’s when most
Read more →I get so many questions about intuition. Here are the top intuition questions I received, maybe you had these too – Have you ever felt like you thought your intuition was telling you something but you can’t tell if it’s real and or you’re making it up? Have you
Read more →How to always know when your intuition is right? How do you know it is real intuition and you’re not making it up? The way you do this is to strengthen your intuition skill so you know, without a doubt, what it is telling you loud and clear,
Read more →Do you ever know things before they happen? Have you ever known things that there was no way you could have known them? Are you afraid to tell anyone? Do you worry people will think you’re weird? Or that they won’t believe you? I used to feel
Read more →Do you have trouble making decisions? Can’t stick to your decision and second guess yourself? Why is it we have so much trouble making a decision and sticking to it? In this episode I’m going to go over exactly why we have trouble and how to fix
Read more →I hear all the time people say, “I don’t trust my intuition.” Why is that? They go on to say… It’s not reliable, I tried to listen to it and it didn’t work. What if I told you that you were listening to the wrong thing,
Read more →Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to know things. They know what is going to happen before it happens. Or they seem to know details and specifics about someone they never met and can predict what that person is going to do. Maybe you’ve
Read more →You hear it all the time, you have to open your third-eye, or your third-eye is blocked, that’s why you’re not intuitive. Or you have to clear your energy blocks, otherwise you can only get a small bit of information. That your intuition won’t flow. That these
Read more →Do you feel like your intuition is random and just pops up when it wants to? Intuition or gut feelings just seem to appear without much of your control, they just appear. This can be a good warning sign for you when you need it to be
Read more →I just knew. Have you ever told yourself that? Did you ever just have a ‘knowing’, where you just knew something was going to happen? Or you just knew something but you don’t know how you know it? That’s what our episode is about today and later
Read more →Why is it that some people seem to always know instinctively the right thing to do? How do they pick the right decisions to make or somehow luck seems to follow them? They also seem like they are having a lot of fun and enjoying themselves! They
Read more →Intuition gives us answers that are not always the END goal or even the complete story, but often intuition will provide you the best next step to reach your goals. It can also be cryptic as well, not all the cards are revealed. We want to
Read more →You ever hear someone say, “I have a funny feeling” – it perks your ears up. What is that? Is it something we should pay attention to? At the end of this podcast I’m going to give you 3 groups of feelings and what information they
Read more →Do you find yourself going to work, but your heart is not in it? Do you long to do something with your life that is worthwhile and make a difference in the world? Sometime we think of starting our own thing, a business, perhaps to make some
Read more →It was my year of living dangerously (making reference to the movie with the same name). This is a story about how spirituality and intuition came together for me all in the midst of an emergency medical evacuation. Follow Lisa on Instagram! About Lisa K.
Read more →It’s funny this week I’ve been getting a lot of questions about spirituality, and lots of conversations with friends about it. It’s one of my favorite topics. If I could figure out how the world and the Universe worked I could live a better life. That also
Read more →Do you like crystals? Ever wonder which crystals enhance your ability to connect with your intuition? In this episode of Between Heaven and Earth, Lisa shares her knowledge about crystals from not only a metaphysical standpoint, but also a scientific one as well! She breaks down some
Read more →Have you ever struggled with making a decision? You weigh out all the pros and cons in your head, but no clear answer comes to you. Then you feel like you just have to do something so you decide to take one course of action, then a
Read more →Are you interested in doing a little myth busting this week? On this week’s episode of Between Heaven and Earth, Lisa is shedding some light on 5 of the biggest myths surrounding intuition, as well as how to develop it! Not only does she call them out,
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