One of the most frequent questions I get is “How do I know when my intuition is real or I'm making it up?”
There are many characteristics of a true and real intuitive message. One is that a real intuition message is clear, short and to the point. It may be a flash of an image and the image is hard to manipulate in your mind. Many times a real intuitive message gives you a stronger feeling or “knowing” than your made up thoughts. The problem is that intuitive messages are very subtle and are often over looked. Intuition speaks the language of symbols most of the time and when comes to us in words, we confuse it with our conscious thoughts. I can describe to you what other people experience when they receive a real intuitive message, but you can only really know what a real intuitive message is like when you experience it yourself.
How do you do that? By practicing and exercising your intuition.
One of the most frequent searched phrase that people put in google that leads them to me is “intuition exercises” which is great! Remember the key to practicing your intuition is to practice on things that don't have a high emotional value. Don't practice on major life decisions either. Highly emotional and serious life decisions are probably the hardest to use your intuition on but it can be done once you've practiced enough and developed your intuition skill. Here are some examples of how you can exercise your intuition.
1) You are always making minor decisions every day, practically all day.
This gives you the perfect opportunity to exercise your intuition mostly because lots of those decisions are for small unimportant things. Here's an example, you're driving down the road and there is construction in the middle which splits the lanes around it, you can choose to go left or right. Or perhaps you come up to a tollbooth and need to choose a lane. Ask your intuition which way to go is faster, then be open for it to answer because it will. Here's how you can notice what it is saying. Do you feel a pull in one direction over another? Does one way look brighter or more attractive to you? Where did your eyes look first just after you asked your intuition the question?
2) When you have a choice you can exercise your intuition to see what you're drawn to.
For example, in a restaurant when the bread basket comes to you, as you're selecting one see which one feels appealing, or looks more attractive but don't try use your logic to choose. You can also use your intuition when picking a new or different brand in the grocery store in the same way. No matter how small the decision is, you can always use your intuition. In fact, it may be better to practice on the really small decisions because it's easier for you to play with your intuition and not worry about the outcome which messes up your ability to receive your intuitive signs and messages. Have fun, play by asking your intuition in your mind what should you choose? Then go with the first thing that pops up in your mind.
3) Finding a good place to eat is another great intuition exercise.
Say you're on vacation or perhaps on a business trip to a place you've never been before, you can use your intuition to find a good place to eat or find that perfect restaurant. What is even better is to use your intuition to choose what to eat when you're looking at the menu, particularly eating something you've never had before. We often make choices through a logical process of deduction, or figuring it out. Before you deduce, ask your intuition “Which should I choose?” and allow yourself to be present, open and try to be aware of what pops up in your mind as a picture, a feeling, thought or a word. Go with that choice and see if it was a good one when the food comes!
THE best way to improve your intuition is to practice using it as often as possible. Even better is doing the intuition exercises with someone else. If you can find someone who is willing to practice with you that's great. Or you can join a class and easily find like minds to practice with. When I teach the Developing Your Intuition in-person course, I make sure that we do lots of intuition exercises both with each other and alone.
Intuition Development Groups or Circles
A development group or circle is a group of people who get together to practice their intuition for the purpose of improving by doing exercises together. Being in a development group can be very powerful in boosting your intuition skill quickly through regular practice with other people. These groups are generally led by someone who knows how to conduct a development circle. The group normally meets on a regular basis, weekly or monthly. The format of the circle activities varies greatly. Some will include meditations or energy healing during the meetings. Usually, the focus of the meeting is to do exercises to develop psychic and intuitive skills. The group may do an exercise all together as a group or pair off to do exercises.
Development circles come in two types: closed and open. An open development circle is one where anyone can join and just show up. Closed development circles are joined by invitation only. In a closed group usually members of the group will ask a friend to join by making a request to the group leader to invite them. Also, if you are looking to get into a closed group you would have to know the group leader or someone in the group to help you get permission to join.
It is important to find an intuition development circle that you feel comfortable with. These groups, especially closed circles, often have members who have been together for a very long time and form strong cliques that are not too welcoming of strangers. Open development circles are more welcoming though the members may come and go more frequently. Development Groups or Circles can be a great way to hone your intuition skills in a safe and comfortable environment. You will find that your skills increase to a master level faster than if you were practicing alone. I’ve led an Intuition Development Circle group for years and have watched people’s intuition skills just skyrocket and at the same time have a lot of fun! You can find an intuition development circle near you or even online these days through forums.
I have an Intuition Development Circle that meets every week to do intuition exercises. In this group I work with everyone individually since it is currently a small group. This way you can find out what your intuition symbols are and how you may be missing your hits. You can join us by going to my website and signing up for a small fee per month when we open the doors a few times a year.
Go here to find out more: http://www.intuitiondevelopmentcircle.com
To sum it up, these are ways to exercise your intuition. Of course, you'll need to learn a good intuition technique and practice good intuition exercises to know how your intuition comes to you and the ways you can experience intuition. We do all of this for you in my Circle.