Does it take you a long time to make a decision? Do you get stuck in analysis paralysis and twirl? Second guessing yourself before you finally move ahead? Well, you can stop wasting time and make a move at the right time by knowing the intuition ‘stop signals' that tell you to stop twirling and it's good to go.
When making a decision, you have to use both your thinking mind and intuition to make a better decision. But a lot of times for hard decisions or the ones you think that are hard you end up taking a long time to make that decision and make a move.
Or you just don't come to a decision at all. Maybe someone else ends up making it for you. And it's usually not always the best decision. That's because your intuition knows what's best for you. It can see the big picture that your thinking mind can't. Intuition is what you should be using to know when to move forward.
You might be uncomfortable making a decision no matter what it's for, because you want to make sure everything is perfect. But we forget that decisions are about making smaller steps toward our goal. If it is a slightly bigger step, like getting into the car to start your vacation, you might be worried that you haven't brought everything.
I used to be so nervous going on any kind of trip. I'd worry about what to bring. I wanted to make sure I took everything I thought I needed. I'd go over my suitcase and my toiletries over and over again. I probably picked that up from my mom because she would live out of her suitcase for weeks before a trip to make sure she had everything.
But all that did for me was leave me with a feeling of worry and second guessing myself. Rather than just deciding I was done packing. It wasn't until my husband said to me, “Why are you so worried, you can just buy whatever you forgot,” that I was able to let my childhood training go. That was a revelation for me, silly as it seems. It's not a big deal, if you forget something, you can buy it.
I know it might seem like a little thing, but that's what you end up doing to yourself and all kinds of decisions. This is what traps us. We do this to ourselves on big decisions and small decisions. You think by going over it again and again, you're going to be a hundred percent sure not to miss anything. Even as you're leaving and closing the door, you want to check again. Oftentimes, it's really good to remember that ‘done' is good enough at 80%, so that's when you can stop. That may help you take the pressure off yourself.
How do you know when you're making the right decision?
“Stop Signals”
This is where intuition can help by giving us ‘stop signals' that tell you when to stop and when you are ready to make the decision to so you can move forward. Your intuition has the big picture and can see the completeness of your information that you gathered to make your decision. Knowing when to stop and knowing you're done is important to make faster decisions and probably better ones. You can pull yourself out of analysis paralysis by following and noticing these little intuitions signals when you're making a decision.
Here are good points you can check in with your intuition as you're going along to know when to pull the trigger and decide.
The first step is to gather all of your information so that you have something to make your decision on. There comes a point where you know you intuitively you have enough information. You get that intuition ‘stop signal', and this is what you need to look out for when you are doing your research and looking at your different options. Also for me, it would be when have I gone through all my things and I know I've packed just what I need. When do I stop? I have a feeling that I'm going over the same things again too many times and the things I think I should add to bring “just in case” are really not that important. It's time to stop.
What are other intuitions signals of ‘stop'? The next one is that you have a feeling of completeness. Once you have gathered all the information or you have a feeling that it all ‘fits' then there is no more to look for.
It could be like that last piece, the puzzle that kind of snaps in, and there's nothing left on the desk or the table for you to try to fit into the puzzle.
Another one is you have a knowing or feeling that there begins to be too much information. So this is in the process of you gathering information or trying to figure out what to include.
For me, it was in my book. As I was trying to figure out what information to put in my book, I start to look at all the different things that I want to do and it started to feel very complex. I thought to myself “I could talk about this and then if I talked about that, that means I need to talk about this thing and then I'd have to bring in that thing.”
It started to get very overwhelming and it was no longer simple. I felt as if I was struggling through the mud, it was like this spider's web of information that just got more and more balled up and held me back in moving forward. What I needed to do is to stop because it was too much, it was too complex.
The next thing is you actually might hear in your head, your intuition may tell you, stop. You might hear the word ‘stop' in your head — that's how intuition also can come to us. It can come to us as a word, usually one word, and you might actually hear the word stop.
The three signals your intuition is telling you it's time to stop and move on.
1. You might have a feeling of completeness of what you have and what you've done so far is it fits it's done. And you can now make that decision.
2. You have that knowing or feeling that there starts to be too much complexity, too much information. It starts to feel a little overwhelming and it's no longer simple.
3. You actually might hear the word in your head ‘stop', or ‘you're done'. That could be another way that your intuition is telling you.
When we are making a decision and we're finding that we're just going on and on and we're twirling around and we don't really know whether we should continue analyzing and then getting more and more information. It's not moving us forward. We should be looking for these intuition ‘stop signals' that tell you when to stop and that you're ready to make a decision. Your intuition has the big picture. It sees the goal. It knows how, where you want to go. And it knows the completeness of information that you have gathered to make a decision.
Knowing when to stop and knowing when you're done is important to make faster decisions and move you forward. And we all know when we move forward, that gives us a feeling of progress and, and the feeling of done. It's so nice to know when you're done and you're ready to move on.